Retail Therapy - Chuck Taylor Hi QS 'Pride Pack' Converse #PrayForOrlando

Amidst mourning for the victims involved in the heinous mass shooting at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando killing 50 and severely wounding others, we are left stunned that such hate crimes can still be executed against a specific demographic in this day and age.  This is not a Muslim/Religious issue but an Injustice specifically against the LGBT community.  We are all 'ONE' in the eyes of God regardless of race, sexual orientation etc.  Striving for Peace is what we should long for, Hate will only tear us apart.  Read more HERE about the massacre.
I just came across these classic Chuck Taylors featuring the rainbow flag, a symbol for LGBT social movements and decided to share.  

They are super cool also, $67.62 at Social---Ism online. 

Repost from Fox 5 NY

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